Saturday, June 16, 2007

Oh Bapu

Our last morning in Jaipur and we're all a little meloncholy. After breakfast we head out for a five hour ride back to Delhi where it's purportedly raining, which means that the wildlife that puts the "nature" into Bapu Nature is going to be sharing our rooms even more now. As much as I'm looking forward to practicing yoga at a yogashram, I think the mouse in our room, the flying cockroaches in our bathroom and the ever present lizards, mosquitos and all other manner of wildlife really craps our style.

They did feed us good nutritious foods though, because they emphasize a good diet for a healthy body, as you can see from the sign on my profile, there are signs everywhere in Bapu emphasizing the importance of naturapathy, but I know we will miss our protein, Farah for sure. But it's only one week, and one of those days is going to be spent going to the village of Mewat, which had to be postponed because of the riots of the Gujjari people a couple of weeks back, and another day is supposed to be a planned trip to Agra to see the Taj Mahal for several but not all of us. I'm scheduled to leave India early Saturday morning next week and it's bittersweet, I would like to have stayed a little longer albeit at better accommodations, preferrably without sharing a room with a lizzard, whose dropppings I have to pick up (ew). So I want to come back to India one day soon with my husband and see the history of it, which I haven't had much opportunity to do on this trip. However, I have learned so much about public health and how it's actually practiced and what it really is and I had to travel across the world to find out, but it has been an educational experience, I think I've grown personally and certainly professionally. More on this when the trip is actually over.
Namaste Jaipur, I'm off to breakfast!

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