Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Purple Belt Husband

June 12, 2007

Those of you who know Todd know what an amazing person he is and how trully lucky I am to have found him and got him legally bound to me. He has always supported me in anything I want to do and has been incredibly supportive throughout this process of planning and actually going to India to work. He was also my rock when I was having anxiety and insomnia when I actually did get to India.
Most husbands would not be half as supportive. So I wanted to thank him and congratulate him on the accomplishment of earning his purple belt (skipping several belts to boot to get to purple) in Arjukempo Karate. Nobody deserves it more anoushik jana.

This is something that he enjoys tremendously and I support him wholeheartedly, just sorry I couldn't be there to see him get his belt, but there will be other belts to come, which I won't miss for the world.

1 comment:

holafarita said...

congratulations todd!!!